Schools and institutions from the following countries-cities are active in current partnerships:
2018-2020 Learning Landscape - Paysage d'apprentissage:
BE-La Reid with LV-Babites, DE-Hamburg, NL-Meppel, BE-Eupen, FR-Orléans and FR-Carpentras
2019-2021 Digi Horti - Digitalisierung im Gartenbau
BE-Eupen with DE-Dortmund, AT-Langenlois and LU-Ettelbrück
2019-2021 Bien-être
BE-La Reid with LV-Bulduri, ES-Peralta and FR-Carpentras
2019-2021 Green Line
LU-EU Horti Teach with DE-Düsseldorf, PL-Bielsko-Biala, CZ-Rajhrad, SI-Celje and FR-Orléans
2020-2022 Naturschätze (in submission process)
AT-Langenlois with FR-Orléans, BE-Liège, BE-La Reid, LV-Bulduri and CZ-Rajhrad